Statement on personal data collection and use

Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. will make sure our clients’ personal data are protected by collecting only such basic data on the clients/users that are necessary to meet our commitments; Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. informs the clients on how the collected data are used, regularly informs them of their options in terms of using their data, including the possibility of choosing whether or not they wish their name to be removed from the marketing mailing list. All user data are kept in confidentiality, available only to the employees who need them to perform their work. All the employees of Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. and their business partners are responsible for respecting the principle of privacy protection.
We hereby oblige to protect the privacy of our clients and of the users and visitors of our website as well as the safety of the personal data they provide us with through the website.
The terms and conditions of use of the website
Access to these web pages and data contained therein are subject to the indicated terms and conditions. Each use of these web pages after the loading of the home page is considered consent to the following legal conditions:
- You hereby accept and submit to Croatian law as the exclusively competent law for the interpretation, application and legal effects of all authorizations, exclusions and terms of use of these web pages. Croatian courts have exclusive jurisdiction over any requests and disputes arising from or related to the use of the pages concerned. Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. provides no guarantee that the material contained in these pages is appropriate or available to users on certain locations, that is, Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. is not liable for access to such material by any visitor of these web pages. In each case, it shall be considered that any person accessing these pages is using them voluntarily, that is, with the consent of the legal representative (custodian) when necessary, and by the person whose data are connected with the specific IP address.
- The entire content of these web pages is protected by copyright and other related rights, in accordance with the positive legal regulations, subsisting in favour of Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. or their affiliates and any rights that have been appropriately assigned.
- All the information available on the website are informative only and may not be used without proper authorization for commercial purposes nor distributed to third persons. Information on certain products and services from these pages are subject to certain limitations.
- Information published by Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. on these pages are considered accurate and reliable as at the time of their entry. Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. warns of the possibility that some of the data stored on these pages might not be (completely) correct, true or reliable at the moment of the user’s access to the website. Information available on the website must not be taken as grounds for making important personal or business decisions, and you agree and accept that you will not hold Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. liable for any failure to meet any expectations. Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, material or non-material damages, any loss or costs arising from use or inability to use any of the information available on this pages.
- Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. may, at any time, without prior announcement, update or modify any data stored on these pages.
- Visitors must bear in mind that sending private messages by web-based e-mail can be unsafe and subject to unauthorized access of third persons or erroneous delivery. Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. shall not be held liable for the safety and privacy of the messages, reserving thereat the right to reproduce, use, avail of and distribute them to third persons without limitation, but Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. is free to use ideas, drafts, experience or other forms of knowledge contained in such messages for any purpose without consideration.
Reproduction, multiplication or distribution of the design or background of the web pages of, certain page elements, design of the Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. logo and trademarks or any other graphical, verbal or figurative content published on this website without explicit written approval of Adriatic Sunset d.o.o. is prohibited.
The rules on personal data protection and use of cookies are presented in separate documents you can find on this website.