Conversion statement

Conversion of a foreign currency shall be carried out under the following conditions:
Payment on the basis of a pro-forma invoice - For foreign clients, foreign currencies are converted into kunas according to the mean exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank.
Payment by card - For foreign clients, the purchase amount is calculated at the exchange rate of the foreign client’s bank.
A foreign client checks the exchange rate between his/her currency and the Croatian kuna in his/her bank.
If the foreign client selects the option of DCC (Dynamic Currency Conversion), his/her card will be debited at the exchange rate of Privredna banka d.d.
The client decides for himself/herself whether he/she wants to accept the DCC service at upon payment.
Converting kunas into a foreign currency is carried out on the basis of the DCC exchange rate. The current DCC exchange rate and supported currencies are available on the website of Privredna banka d.d. is you follow the link: Exchange rate - Privredna banka -
Note: All the payments will be made in Croatian kunas. The amount debited to the foreign client’s credit card is calculated by converting the price from euros to Croatian kunas according to the valid exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank. If you pay by credit card, the same amount will be converted to your local currency according to the valid exchange rate of the credit card association. Due to the conversion of the price, a small difference in the amount might occur compared to the original price indicated on our website.